Sunday, September 5, 2010

(#4) test post on 7 1/2 habits

I would say my biggest strength listed in the 7 1/2 habits presentation is #2: accept responsibility for learning. When I am taking a class, I always read the syllabus and readings thoroughly and don't blame life/other people/the professor if I don't learn something or complete it on time.
My weakness is probably #7: teaching or mentoring others. In a small group setting, I may be okay but I have trouble with speaking in front of large groups. My nervousness sometimes makes me lose track of thought or muddle words so the people I am presenting something to don't quite get it.

1 comment:

  1. I think we have a lot in common. I, too, take the same approach to taking as much accountability for my responsibilities be they class related or not. Reading through paperwork once,twice or even three times over allows me to feel like I have a little grasp on the topic...even if I am (in a sense) a newbie. So, #2 is one of my strongest habits, as well.

    As for the #7 you mentioned...don't worry, Margaret, you are not alone. I get super anxious during public speaking and it's one thing I know will come up in this course (not to mention career). The way I see it, all we do now will only make it easier when it comes time to teach or mentor in the real world. Baby steps...
