Sunday, September 12, 2010

#8 You too can YouTube

So, I actually like youtube a lot, it is diverse, versatile and fun. You can find great live performances of songs people uploaded or find new things like auto-tuning the news or good use for libraries, book trailers. It might be cool to have like smart phone type codes on a book jacket that when you scanned them, info about the book, author, genre and maybe a book trailer pop up...

Anyway, embedding youtube videos. Here's my favorite song, performed live:

Now, here's that song covered by my favorite singer:

And then, I actually made a youtube account and posted video. I have a group project for my 517 class where we have to observe a cultural event and my group picked the Ukrainian festival. We went at separate times and I needed to share the videos I took with them (though my camera takes film very poorly).
Here's some Ukrainian dancing:

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